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Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., BCC (Board Certified Coach) is a coach, therapist, teacher, and writer with extensive clinical experience. As a coach, she helps women, men, and couples reinvent themselves in the 2nd half of life. She is a co-founder of Certified Retirement Coaching 2.0., the host of Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio podcast, and the founder and host of a monthly webinar: Revolutionize Your Retirement Interview with Experts Series. She weaves adult development, holistic life planning, and positive psychology into programs that tap and shape clients’ energies into roadmaps for wiser, more enhanced living.

Becoming a Collaborator


If you or your organization would like to become a featured AMP collaborator, please contact me at or leave a voice message on our office phone: (914) 666-0912. I look forward to talking further about ways we can be mutually supportive.

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Please consider supporting our mission, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to make science-based innovative activities that promote healthful aging available to as many people as possible through our online programs.

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