
We can tell you how we are doing it in our 80’s
Embrace a way of life that draws inspiration and practical advice from all the exciting new research on healthful aging. Develop a way of thinking and feeling that keeps you engaged with the world around you and increases the strength of your brain, spirit, and body.
We invite you to join us on a journey of discovery that we ourselves began in our 50’s when our own family members were in their 80’s.
Their aging process led to dementia and loss of independence. We wish we had known more then about better ways to help them before serious problems developed.
Those experiences propelled us to think more deeply about our own potential futures, to learn more about healthful aging, to make actual lifestyle changes that worked for us. And that’s been the key. We know that a cookie-cutter approach to anything doesn’t work; but an informed, proactive, personalized one, that people can easily and naturally use, makes a huge difference in how anyone experiences aging.
What we offer here are many different possible ways to develop an Ageless Mind. The programs we describe are just the beginning. Join with us to co-create rich, fulfilling experiences — whether you are our age and older– or are thinking about your own future – or are part of intergenerational relationships.
If you would like to be kept informed about all the things we’re offering you, click on and fill out the sign-up form below to.This will add you to our master mailing list.
Please consider supporting our mission, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to make science-based innovative activities that promote healthful aging available to as many people as possible through our online programs.