
Thank you for helping us to create community around the Ageless Mind Project’s mission. Our purpose is to offer evidence-based information on healthful aging and provide many opportunities for individual and group activities that will actually promote an ageless mind – one that is alert, curious, flexible, open, realistically optimistic to the end of life.
Our philosophy is that individual and community wellbeing are tightly linked. One supports the other, especially as we age. We want to remain contributing members of society by learning how we can proactively increase our “healthspans” – the number of years we can remain active and engaged for the good of all.
It takes a village to make this happen. That’s why we co-founded this 503(c)3 to make our work possible. We have paid staff who, along with our volunteers, helps us deliver the many facets of this online project. Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to expand our offerings and to show appreciation to our paid staff’s expertise and dedication to this important work.
Please consider supporting our mission, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to make science-based innovative activities that promote healthful aging available to as many people as possible through our online programs. If you would like to support us by sending a check or using another form of payment, contact us at (914) 666-0912.
If you would like to be kept informed about all the things we’re offering you, click on and fill out the sign-up form below to.This will add you to our master mailing list.
Please consider supporting our mission, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to make science-based innovative activities that promote healthful aging available to as many people as possible through our online programs.