
Ageless Mind Project
Welcome to the Ageless Mind Project
What is an Ageless Mind?
For us, an Ageless Mind is not a “thing” — it’s a “process, a dynamic way of being in the world. We know we are in that process when we feel alert…curious…flexible…optimistic…playful…creative…reflective… and connected.
How can you nurture an Ageless Mind? Read on to learn more about our approach to healthful aging.
An Ageless Mind Is Curious
Designing an Ageless Mind
We are committed to helping our members design individualized approaches to wellbeing. We do this by bringing you experts and facilitating intergenerational conversations on our blog:

An Ageless Mind is Creative
The topics covered in Ageless Mind Project publications are eclectic, wide ranging, and packed with information, thought provoking ideas, and practical tips for keeping your body, mind, and spirit ageless.
Learn more and join the conversation: https://agelessmindproject.substack.com/

An Ageless Mind is Playful
Beyond Melody is an online newsletter and program offered by Dr. Joshua Berrett. Drawing on his many years of teaching and writing about music, he will help you experience a wide range of music in new ways that will delight, stimulate, and nourish your brain. Read on to learn more about Josh and Beyond Melody:

An Ageless Mind Loves to Explore
The virtual arm of Ageless Mind Project is Whole Brain Health. It grew out of our founders’ fascination with virtual realities and how they could be used as part of a proactive and holistic approach to enhancing and even improving the cognitive functioning of people 50 years and older. To learn more about Whole Brain Health visit:

If you would like to be kept informed about all the things we’re offering you, click on and fill out the sign-up form below to.This will add you to our master mailing list.
Please consider supporting our mission, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to make science-based innovative activities that promote healthful aging available to as many people as possible through our online programs.